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Host Charger Rate Calculator

Need help calculating a suitable fee?

Renting out EV chargers to other drivers is a relatively new concept, so pricing a suitable hourly rate can seem like a daunting task. But don't worry... we've got it covered!

By using our free Charger Price Calculator below, you can get a much clearer idea of how much your electricity company is charging you to "juice up" your EV, so that you can calculate a suitable rate and make a little profit, all whilst being super-competitive against the major public CPO's (charge point operators).

So grab your latest energy bill and let's calculate a suitable price to list your charger on Joosup.

Try our price calculator below. We'll ensure the price is right!

Charger Price Meter

Host EV Charger Rate Calculator

Use the step-by-step form below & discover how much you could earn.

Step 1: Calculate Your Energy Costs

Actual EV Charging Costs Per Hour


Help Guide

Notes & guidance on using our calculator.

Step 1: Notes

The first section helps you calculate your actual energy costs when charging an EV at home. Once you've established this figure, we can calculate a price to rent out your charger.

Energy Tariff
Enter the maximum fee your energy supplier tariff costs (per kWh). This is found on your statements or within your online account provided by your energy supplier.

Daily Standing Charges
Enter your energy supplier's daily standing charges (£). This is found on your statements or within your online account provided by your energy supplier.

Charger Power Output
Select your home EV charger's power output. Most UK homes have a single-phase electricity supply, so this is most likely 7.4kW.

Step 2: Calculate Your Price

Price to Rent Your Charger Per Hour*

joosup price slider


Equivalent Price Per kWh:


Net Profit Per Rental Hour:


*Figure does not include payment processing fees deducted at the time of charging session payment

Step 2: Notes

The final section helps you calculate a suitable price to rent out your EV charger. Once you have a suggested figure, you can see if your price is considered cheap or expensive compared to public charging prices.

Desired Markup
Enter the percentage margin you wish to add on top of your actual EV charging costs per hour. We suggest a figure of at least 20% or above.

Once your final figure displays, you can then decide if this is suitable to your needs. Remember, try to be competitive vs public charge point operators, otherwise you may not receive any bookings.

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